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To Register for Certification Courses:

1) Online Registration

2) Phone:
IHL Administrative Office:
Please leave message and number for return call

3) Mail:
Check or Money Order to
30 W Rahn Rd Suite 28, Dayton, OH 45429

*Include your name and name of course you are paying for*

4) Email:
Chris Ellis,CEO

All Certifications

Core Courses

Every certification above is dependent on the successful completion of all three core classes.

Refund Policy as of January 2022:

Pathways and Seminars Cancellation Prior to Class:

  •  Full Refund minus $5 processing fee

  • Any attendance in class results in no refund

  • If class is cancelled by IHL then full refund will be awarded

Certification Classes and Programs Refund Policy:

If the student is not accepted into the training program, all monies paid by the student shall be
refunded. Refunds for books, supplies and consumable fees shall be made in accordance with Ohio
Administrative Code section 3332-1-10.1. Refunds for tuition and refundable fees shall be made in
accordance with following provisions as established by Ohio Administrative Code section 3332-1-10:

1. A student who withdraws before the first class and after the 5-day cancellation period shall be
obligated for the registration fee ($25).
2. A student who starts class and withdraws before the academic term is 15% completed will be
obligated for 25% of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee.
3. A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 15% completed but before
the academic term is 25% complete will be obligated for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees
plus the registration fee.
4. A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 25% completed but before
the academic term is 40% complete will be obligated for 75% of the tuition and refundable fees
plus the registration fee.
5. A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 40% completed will not be
entitled to a refund of the tuition and fees.

The school shall make the appropriate refund within 30 days of the date the school is able to determine
that a student has withdrawn or been terminated from a program. Refunds shall be based upon the last
date of a student’s attendance or participation in an academic school activity.

Additional Information:

  • No transfer of tuition from one course/seminar to another is permitted.

  •  Tuition will be refunded via PayPal refund, IHL check, or credit card.

  • Class attendance requirements for successful completion are stated on the course/seminar


  •  In the case of documented student illness or accident, death in the family, or other

circumstances beyond the control of the student, the student may be entitled to special refund
consideration, and the school may settle the account for an amount that is less than that called
for by the school’s established policy.

  •  In the case that the Institute of Holistic Leadership closes and/or ceases to exist, the student will

be refunded one hundred percent of tuition paid for courses not completed by the student in
the program due to IHL not offering courses.

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