Institute of Holistic Leadership offers the following Holistic Certifications:
Clinical Aromatherapy Certification
Client Centered Imagery Certification
Holistic Nutrition Certification
IHL Programs Save you Time and Money!
Each Certification program contains the following Core Courses. Once these courses are taken for the initial certification you complete, they do not have to be repeated for the other certifications. You will only take the core courses one time and then they will apply to all IHL certifications for 3 years after the course completion date.
BUS 101 – Business & Ethics for Holistic Health – 36 Hours – 18 Class / 18 Self-Paced Learning
BIO 101 – Anatomy & Physiology / Pathophysiology – 50 Hours – 50 Hours Self-Paced Learning
Required text books will be specified when you register.
PSY 101 – Human Behavior for Holistic Health Professionals – 50 Hours Self-Paced Learning
Required Text will be specified when you register.
* Licensed Health Professionals and/or Successful College Completion of equivalent courses allows for an exemption of BIO and PSY.
You can begin the Holistic Health Consultant Certification Program immediately. Check schedule for upcoming classes or register for a self paced study course.
Now is the time for YOU!
Holistic Health Consultant Certification (CHHC)
Many individuals who begin a program in one of the Holistic Certifications become fascinated by the various models of Holistic Health. Often they will complete many or all of the IHL Certifications. This creates a Holistic Professional who possesses a vast knowledge base from which to guide the client or organization to safely integrate holistic health models.
These are professionals who have committed time and energy to learn all they can in the field and deserve to be credentialed with the professional recognition of:
Certified Holistic Health Consultant (CHHC)
These individuals are truly the leaders of our field.
644 hours