Clinical Aromatherapy Certification
334 Hours
About the Program
Aromatherapy is one of the fastest-growing holistic modalities used today. It is the science of using essential oils to balance the body and mind. Aromatherapy is now often incorporated into health, personal, and home care products. Corporations, medical and educational organizations are incorporating Aromatherapy. Many in our society recognize Aromatherapy as a valuable source of healing and balance. Certification in Aromatherapy will allow you to have a vast knowledge reservoir from which to assist your clients. You will also learn applications of Aromatherapy in traditional health care settings. This certification program meets the criteria for Professional Membership Level for the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy Certification Requirements:
ARO 101 Clinical Aromatherapy
48 Contact Hours
2 – 6 hour In-Class Sessions
36 Self-Paced Learning Hours
Tuition: $350
Aromatherapy 101 will provide you with a foundation for the safe use of essential oils. Discussion of quantifiers for defining pure essential oils; Safety Precautions; Indications and Contraindications for a specific list of essential oils. Knowledgebase will be presented to allow participants to develop a strong foundation for working with aromatherapy safely and accurately.
Prerequisites: None
Learn how to assure you are getting a pure essential oil
Discuss the history of aromatherapy
Learn the safety issues of essential oils in regards to children, pregnant women, elderly adults, pets, and in serious illness
Develop essential oil plan for health and wellness
Note – ARO 101 may be taken as a workshop without being enrolled in the Aromatherapy Certification Program.
This training is supported by American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) for exam education and /or Renewal of Certification.
ARO 102 Clinical Aromatherapy
48 Contact Hours
2 – 6 Hour In-Class Sessions
36 Hours Self-Pace Learning
Tuition: $350
Aromatherapy 102 will present the difference between what is often referred to as the “confusing oils” – ie. Lavender, Lavendin, Spike Lavender – Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile etc. This knowledge will make a great difference in choosing the right oil for the right person or the right health issue. The science of blending essential oils will be introduced in this level. An additional list of essential oils with indications and contraindications will be presented. Prerequisite: Aromatherapy 101
Text Required – Battaglia –The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy – to be used in ARO 102, 201 and 202 (text cost approximately $90.00)
Learn the difference between “similar sounding” essential oils
Create a blend for specific issues
Explain basic “aroma chemistry” to allow you to blend safely
Discuss Indications and Contraindications of additional list of essential oils
AR0 201 Aromatherapy
48 Contact Hours
2 – 6 Hour In-Class Sessions
36 Hours Self-Paced Study
Tuition: $350
Processes for the development of a custom blend for a client based on the client’s presenting issues and preferences will be taught in this course. Presentation of how essential oils can balance the body energies and the resulting emotional and physical effects will be discussed. Additional blending techniques; introduction to aromatherapy product creation and additional essential oils will be presented. Prerequisite: Aromatherapy 102
Discuss how to benefit specified to a client’s needs
Explain Indications and Contraindications of additional essential oils
List which specific oils can balance body energy centers
AR0 202 Aromatherapy
54 Contact Hours
3 – 6 Hour In-Class Sessions
36 Hours Self-Paced Study
Tuition: $450
Aromatherapy 202 is where it all comes together. Specifics of how to incorporate aromatherapy in a professional setting will be discussed. Additional essential oil product creation will be presented as well as protocols for developing your aromatherapy lab. Aromatherapy / Reflexology application to enhance client experiience will be taught. Ethics of helping individuals and working within a legal scope of practice is also presented.
Prerequisite: Aromatherapy 201
Make various natural products (health, beauty, cooking) with aromatherapy
Learn how to structure your “aromatherapy lab” for safety
Learn how to use aromatherapy in the workplace
Additional Certification Requirements – Core Courses:
To complete any certification, all three core classes must be successfully taken and completed. To view the core courses, click 'Core Courses' in the menu.
These courses only have to be successfully completed one time and will then apply to any certification the student completes. Student will not be certified until all three core course and certification courses are successfully completed with an 80% or above
Note: Licensed Health Professionals and/or Successful College Completion of equivalent courses allows for an exemption of BIO and PSY.
Core courses only need to be taken once and then can be applied to all other IHL Certifications for up to a 3 year period.